yachting weather app

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Yachting Weather is the cost-free and user- friendly weather App for IOS and Android to receive precise worldwide  sea weather predictions for the next 3 days- or with an update to “Yachting Weather PRO”- for the next five days.

You receive all marine weather predictions according to your current GEO location or any other sea area worldwide by GPS, a single click on the map tool or by manual input. Whether you are sailing, motor yachting or doing other water sport activities, you can configure “Yachting Weather” exactly to your needs with numerous options.The forecasts for the next three days come in six hour intervals (for five days in three hour intervals with “Yachting Weather PRO”) and are available worldwide.
Due to the high spatial resolution of 0,15° to 0,25o (which is comparable to approx.12x12 sea miles). Conventional GFS weather models work with a resolution of 0,5° to 1°and assume equal weather conditions for a sea area of 60 x 60 nautical miles.   On open sea or nearby the coastline a high resolution forecast for wind and waves can be advantageous. Changing winds, gusts or rough sea within short distances could be missed by large scale forecast models.
Besides a higher spatial resolution WEATHER365 weather models  integrate topographical, geographical and vegetal characteristics - especially of the coastal areas-  which have influence on weather trends and weather evolution. Even bathymetry data are included because of their impact on wave height and length.

You receive exact predictions for your designated position

All weather data are  based on optimized WRF and Wave Watch III weather models and calculated and updated four times a day by WEATHER365.

With an Upgrade to “Yachting Weather Experience” (8,99 for  1 year)  you get the predictions of the professionals:

Predictions for the next 5 days in a three hour rhythm - permanent and worldwide.

Available forecast data:

  • Storm risk
  • Wind speed
  • Wind direction
  • Gusts
  • Wave heights
  • Wave directions
  • Wave frequency
  • Air Pressure
  • Common weather condition
  • Temperature
  • Air humidity
  • Precipitation risk
  • Amount of precipitation

Additional Features:

You always can decide whether you want to configure your GEO position by

-       GPS GEO tracking

-       Fingertipping on the map tool

-       Or manual input

Individual configuration of your adjustments for:

Speeds, distances, air pressure, amount of precipitation and temperature